Alzaré mis ojos a los montes;¿De dónde vendrá mi socorro?/Mi socorro viene de Jehová,Que hizo los cielos y la tierra./No dará tu pie al resbaladero,Ni se dormirá el que te guarda./He aquí, no se adormecerá ni dormiráEl que guarda a Israel./ Jehová es tu guardador;Jehová es tu sombra a tu mano derecha./ El sol no te fatigará de día,Ni la luna de noche./ Jehová te guardará de todo mal;El guardará tu alma./Jehová guardará tu salida y tu entradaDesde ahora y para siempre.

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010


In my memory, the past do not break my future or my present,
The birds fly under of the hours and the fire believe a new eternity
Where the children sing and dancing with psalms
While the man work in a different empire with clean rivers,
Glory of sun, noting fear, change minds, wars died for Jesus Christ
More beyond of the desert and no come updone.

The ocean and eclipse listen the tomorrow
And their lives dreams the God.
I was with them for dancing in the sand
For the next resurrection.

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